Attention: Anyone who wants to build a million-dollar consciousness.


Learn How to Make Your Mind a Money-Magnet!

Dear Magnetic Friend,

Magnetism flows through your brain and body, as well as throughout time and space. Your mind can be magnetized with ideas that cause it to attract whatever you want.

Just as your mind sends out magnetic wavelengths to cause you to desire food when you are hungry, so too, your mind can be magnetized with wavelengths of desire to attract money, possessions, friends, love, happiness, gifts, talents and everything you need to give you a perfect life here and now.

This eBook gives you a proven step-by-step system for supercharging the powerful, money-pulling poles of your mind with money magnetism—the same power that geniuses of the past have used and our modern millionaires employ every day. But here's the good part. You don't have to be a genius to put these secrets to work. Once you discover the simple methods and practices in this eBook, you too can magnetize your brain centers with ideas that irresistibly attract—almost as if by magic—money, lands, possessions, jewels, houses, friends—all the rich, fine and glittering things in life.

This eBook is filled with real life accounts of ordinary people—just like yourself—who've used these secrets to bring a floodtide of riches into their lives. You, too, have only to stir up the "mental filings" in your mind. The magnetic force is already there. You have only to use this book and, by so doing, turn on the switch that releases an unending stream of abundant riches—beginning right now.

There is a golden stairway that can lead you to fame and fortune.

There's a whole world of wonderful, rich things out there for you. If you don't get your share, somebody else will—and they'll be using money magnetism to get what is rightfully yours. You can magnetize and attract whatever you want. It's all in knowing how to do it. Turn the page and take the first step that will transform your life and bring you the wondrous things that up until now you thought were only the stuff of dreams.

Don't let your precious magnetic energy drain off needlessly!

The law of magnetism applies to all created things. All atoms and molecules are held together by the invisible flow of magnetism. When you want to attract something it is necessary that you cause your mind to project magnetism to the outer world and magnetize what you wish to attract.

You will see this law of magnetism, or attraction, at work in every sphere of action. Golfers join a club where they can meet others interested in that sport. Race track enthusiasts gather by the thousands to bet on horses; they are driven there by the magnetic law of attraction. Sky enthusiasts flock to their winter sport under this same law. You magnetize and attract what you are most interested in.

In this eBook you will learn how magnetism can be used to attract money to you; how your mind can actually be charged like a magnet with rich ideas that can reach out in time and space and motivate the invisible atoms and molecules and marshal them into lines of energy that cause you to do the things that make you successful and rich.

Written by a world renowned expert...

During his long career as counsellor, lecturer and author, Anthony Norvell was widely-known and respected as one of the world's leading experts on metaphysics. A devoted seeker after Truth, and a tireless worker, he travelled all over the world, accumulating knowledge for his various books and lectures.

For more than 30 years in New York Norvell lectured at world-famous Carnegie Hall, where a bronze plaque honored him with the title of "The Twentieth-Century Philosopher." His famous lectures were delivered almost invariably to packed houses.

In this comprehensive eBook you will discover:

10 Simple Secrets Used by the World's Richest People to Magnetize Money
How to Release the Golden Nuggets of Your Mind that Can Make Your Rich
How to Build the Million-Dollar Consciousness for Personal Wealth
How to Read the Signposts on the Royal Road to Riches
How to Project Money Magnetism to Influence and Control Wealthy People
The Gold Mine Within Yourself that Can Make You Rich
10 Ways You Can Magnetize Money and Become a Money Magnet
The Law of the Double Return--Double Your Money, Double Your Luck for Financial Independence
How to Open the  Cosmic Storehouse of Riches and Obtain an Unlimited Supply of Money
10 Positive Steps Up the Golden Stairway to Your Desired Fortune
The Million-Dollar Personality that Magnetizes Your Aura with Money Know-How
The Psychic Whirlpool of Money Can Bring You Riches and Abundance
15 Science-of-Success Secrets to Magnetize Wealth for You
20 Magnetic Money Energizers that Can Turn Your Thoughts Into Gold
How to Tap the Psychic Money Bank to Build Financial Security
The Magic of Believing and Receiving that Can Start the Flow of Riches to You
7 Dynamic Money Magnet Laws that Can Make You Rich

Use the law of reciprocity to bring you fame and fortune!

Desire for success creates Mental Magnetism and drives a person in the direction of that which he or she desires.

If you have an intense desire to succeed so you can do something of value for the world the chances are that you will attract all the money you need to fulfill that ambition per­fectly.

You can make your mind a money magnet by running this magnetic principle through the filaments of your brain: Look around you and see in what way you can create something that will benefit other people, something that will help humanity rise higher, suffer less, enjoy more, become greater, achieve higher goals, and then ask your subconscious mind to guide you to the work that can help you attain this magnetic goal. When you discover what it is, you can become rich and famous through this magnetic discovery.

This eBook reveals the formulas for activating your subconscious potential for attracting money. It can open your mind to the infinite possibilities that lie waiting, hidden inside you.

Special Limited Time Offer!

This book was originally published over 30 years ago, and has been out-of-print for many years. A printed version is soon to be re-published at $19.95, but right now "THINK YOURSELF RICH: Norvell's Secrets of Money Magnetism" is available in handy eBook form for immediate download at the low, low price of only $9.95! If you order right away you will also receive an unabridged eBook version of Napoleon Hill's classic best-seller THINK & GROW RICH at no extra cost!

Act Now & Receive the #1 Best-Selling
Self-Improvement Book Absolutely Free!

This classic self-help eBook explains how to recognize and apply the principles that can help you achieve your goals in life. It teaches that happiness is being in alignment with the principles of nature.

The book states that the only way to wealth is to cultivate the right ideas about the right things and then hold on to them. Various techniques for developing the mental faculties and ideas about wealth creation are fully explained for easy understanding. 

What Do You Want The Most?

Is It Money, Fame, Power, Contentment, Personality, Peace of Mind, Happiness?

The Steps to Riches described in these books offer the shortest dependable philosophy of individual achievement ever presented for the benefit of the man or woman who is searching for a definite goal in life.

Everything that has ever been created by man was first a mental image. This includes all the buildings, transportation, clothing, ornaments such as jewelry and home decorations, food processing and conserving, television and radio, airplanes and automobiles—all these things were first held as mental images and then released to the outer world through creative action.

Your mind can turn your thoughts into the shimmering gold of success by using simple magnetic money energizers. These help align your conscious and subconscious minds, forming an unbeatable team that can win fame and fortune in the game of life.

You can program your mind each day with magnetic money energizers that will act upon your subconscious mind and drive you to do the things that make you successful and rich.

Money responds to universal laws that are as fixed as the stars in their courses. Once you know how these laws work in relation to money, you can implement them in your own life and start the flow of riches in your direction with greater ease than when you are not aware of these laws.

In this eBook package you will discover the dynamic money laws that can make you rich. These are not usually given in courses on economics but they are basic laws that must be understood and used, if you want to increase your flow of riches.

It's true. You can build a magnetic aura of power and success in your personality that will actually attract money to you like a magnet! There is no limit to what you can have or achieve once you learn to utilize your latent magnetic potential, and there is no time like the present to discover just how to do it. 

100% Money Back Guarantee!

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If you do not find this ebook package helpful or if for any reason you're not satisfied with what this ebook teaches, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will refund your money immediately -NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

You should act now before it's too late! Even if you are suffering from highly stressed-out situations, you can still become dynamic, active, and full of life. Don't let your days go to waste. Become magnetized for success now, be active, and command the riches in life you deserve. Order this great eBook now while it's fresh in your mind. I know you'll be glad you did!



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