Now Available in mp3 AudioBook and eBook Formats!

One of the Clearest and Simplest to Understand Books on
the Law of Attraction Ever Written - A
Timeless Classic
in its Field.

“For the Law was given through Moses; Grace and
came through Jesus the Christ.”
(John 1:17)

"Infinite resources are at man's disposal. There are no limits to his possibilities. He focuses and individualizes the elements, forces, and principles of the whole world. He can develop a wonderful intelligence; thus, all life's questions may be answered, all Nature's secrets discovered, and all human problems solved. Nothing is impossible."  
Dr. Raymond N. Holliwell

Here is the key to the understanding of the mysteries of life by one who has attained that understanding through living the Law. He shows us how to live wisely, constructively, successfully, and in accord with Divine Order.

Working with the Law gives us a better understanding of God and brings Him closer to us in our everyday life. It shows how God, working in our lives, is the Law, and this Law is explained clearly and definitely. To work with the Law is to live closer to God, for such living brings a better under­standing of our problems and shows us how to meet them.

By continual­ly using the Law correctly, we grow in wisdom and power and become masters of our circumstances. We learn the secret of success and thus are able to reach any goal that we may desire.

A Business Executive writes—

I find in your book a challenge. So simply written, yet definite and posi­tive, that one enjoys meeting a task with the assurance that it can be met by using the Law.


I wish books for every member of my staff. I know the reading of same will insure harmony and a greater success for our business. P.E.C.

A Promoter writes—

Your book is so inspiring and helpful that I hope many editions will go out to suffering humanity. I would like to place such a book in libraries and especially in Sanitoriums and hospitals where they who need such help can find it. I speak from experience when I say that a book such as yours that will teach one how to help himself will perform miracles. E.D.

Advanced Truth Student writes—

Raymond Holliwell's writings are all so clear, so practical, that a daily study of them provides a method by which anyone can find a happy solution of every problem. The most valuable thing I have learned from him is to live daily with the Law knowing that I can direct my life rather than be subjected to circumstances. N.L.H.

Truth teacher and leader writes—

Your latest book, Working with the Law, has my heartiest approval. The subjects, the material and your convincing style have created a book that could readily serve as a guide or textbook for any student. I shall use the book for class study this Fall and wish you would write a supplement of questions and answers to accompany it. S.S.F.


STUDENTS for many years have come to this School asking for a better understanding of God, and desiring knowledge of the best way to get the most out of life. They have heard God spoken of as being afar off, when He is as close to us as the breath we breathe, closer than our hands and feet. They have heard Him spoken of as: Love, Divine Mind, Divine Intelligence, Jehovah, God, Lord, First Cause, Primal Substance, and other names. Being of an analytical mind I, too, have wanted to know the facts of a Truth. If it is a Truth, there are facts to be had, and they can prove them­selves, not alone in Spirit but in a very practical way.

It is my intention to present these lessons simply, without high-minded words or vague state­ments that sound pretty and promising. The terms above named are all synonymous. They mean one and the same thing, and I choose to use a simpler name that everyone will understand. I shall call God work-ing in our lives "LAW." Interpreting the Law in several ways should bring it more clearly into our way of thinking. Then as we strive to work with the Law we are living closer to God, and such living brings a better understand-ing.

As you grow in knowledge and are able to form better opinions, do not hesitate to change your views. Remember, "The wise man changes his mind; the fool never." There can be no progress without change, no growth without renewal. There must be a constant stream of new thought—better thought and truer thought—to insure pro­gression in life. As soon as you perceive the better, let go of the old, grasp the new. To con­tinue to hold on to the old and inferior when the new and superior is at hand is to retard growth, and to this one cause may be traced many of the ills of man.

Proceed to use your thinking faculty and take care that it does not use you. Master your mind and guide it intelligently; that is, exercise dis­crimination in all your thinking. Learn to think as you ought to think, give your mental life to the matters that are absolutely essential to your wel­fare, and the balance of your thought to themes of beauty, truth and progress. In other words, live with the ideal, but do not neglect the practical. Aim to adjust the two, and to strive to be on the outside what you idealize on the inside. Your thoughts make you; and your ideals, principles, or ruling desires will deter-mine your destiny.

Learn to use your powers unless you wish to be used by them. Make a daily effort to use the knowl­edge you have gained. Try to improve upon all your opinions. Endeavor to obtain a truer and larger conception of each of your personal views.

This process entails effort, but all such mental discipline is highly construc­tive. It leads to a steady increase of mind-power, and it is the mind that matters most among life's actualities. You may occasionally blunder. We are all inclined to do this, more so in the earlier stages of our mental develop-ment. However, we learn by our mistakes. Then by the constant use of our intelligence we cause our faculties to grow so strong and alert that in time, we are able to avoid further errors.

Man's problems are mental in nature; they have no existence outside of themselves, and it has been discovered that nearly all will yield up their solu­tions when subjected to a broad and exact analysis. You can acquire this ability by studying the Law of life and its modes of expression. Then by con­stant effort use your thinking faculty in construc­tive ways as you work with these Laws. Have good and sound reasons for all the views you hold. As you try to find these, many of your old-time views will fall to pieces. Form clear and definite ideas regarding your convictions as to why you do as you do, and as to why you think as you think. Such practice is like conducting a mental house cleaning. The practice of clear thinking tends to clarify the mind, tones up the faculties, sharpens the perceptions, and gives one a stronger and better grasp of the basic essentials for a larger and richer life.

Clear and exact thinking is a very great neces­sity. It is, in fact, a sure means to advancement on the material as well as on the spiritual planes. A line of distinction, however, should be drawn between mere surface thought, that is, ordinary, trivial and commonplace thinking, and real thought, which is asso­ciated with the understand­ing of Truth. The latter is deep thinking which arouses dormant powers, quickens the perceptions, and leads to the enlarge-ment of the understand­ing. The former is but a passing phase of mental activity, while the latter governs the life of man.

The shallow, surface thought that we give to the ordinary duties and small things of daily life is not the thought that reforms our character, de­velops our mind or changes our destiny. It is the positive, deep, and penetrating thought that comes from profound and strong conviction born of a higher perception and a clearer realization of the Truth. The surface idea is not the real thou-ght. The inner convictions which control one's aims, desires, and motives, constitute the real thought of the individual and wholly determine the course of his life and personal destiny.

Psychologists tell us that every individual is controlled by his convictions, whether he is aware of it or not. Such convictions largely determine the nature of his thinking; the inner thought com­ing from the heart represents the real motives and desires. These are the causes of action. If his ideas or convictions are wholesome and true to his higher nature all will be well, and he will reflect something of the harmony and beauty and utility of his con­struc­tive and superior views in his per­sonal life. If his convictions or ideas are not wholesome and true, he will reflect something that is discordant, inharmonious, and evil.

Always make it a point of moving forward in your mind, ever seeking to unfold your power of thought and to develop hidden possibilities. Learn to train the mind to clear and exact think­ing. Your ability to do so will grow rapidly by regular exercise and discipline. No normal per­son wants to de­crease in power and ability. There­fore, strive to cultivate your intelligence and to express better, bigger, and superior thought on all matters about which you may think. There is so much good in the world that it can out-balance the evil; therefore, you can go on thinking more con­structive and good thoughts everyday, about yourself, your fellowman, life, and all natural things, to the constant enrichment of your mind and the improvement of your whole being.

You cannot get the most out of these lessons by reading them once or twice. They should be read often and studied with scrutiny. You will find with each reading something clearer than before.



CHAPTER 1 – Working with Law

CHAPTER 2 – Law of Thinking

CHAPTER 3 – Law of Supply

CHAPTER 4 – Law of Attraction

CHAPTER 5 – Law of Receiving

CHAPTER 6 – Law of Increase

CHAPTER 7 – Law of Compensation

CHAPTER 8 – Law of Non-Resistance

CHAPTER 9 – Law of Forgiveness

CHAPTER 10 – Law of Sacrifice

CHAPTER 11 – Law of Obedience

CHAPTER 12 – Law of Success

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