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Excerpts from
  Simplified Lessons of Life & Health
by Leroy Moore

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Book Description
This is one of the first books introducing Dr. Emmet Fox into New Thought. During his 20 year ministry in New York City, Dr. Fox referred to this book as his "little black book", and often quoted from it in his Wednedsay evening lectures.

Introduction by the author
This little volume is for you. It has been written in a spirit of Love for all people everywhere. Filled with the Spirit of Creative thought, and inspired by the Infinite mind, as a message of life, Love and Truth, for the Healing of both mind and body, and for teaching the way of the Christ. In short, these are earnest lessons for everyday use. Lessons of Life and how to find the way of life and live it. Lessons of Love and how to Love and be Loved. Lessons consecrated to the Truth of Christ and the welfare of humanity.

Lesson One


God is life, the life of all.

God is the Creative Life of All in All.

God is the living life, at the living center of all.

God is intelligent life at the wisdom center of all.

As there is but one God, there is but one life.

As there is but one Creator there can be but one source of creation.

As there is but one source of creation at the creative center of all, all must come forth from that One center, the source of Being.

As God is Life, the creator of all, life must be the creative sub-stance, the productive element of all.

God as Spirit is the creative activity of life, that forms and moulds the creative substance into being.

Mind is the Director of Life, the substance channel for self-expres-sion, that through which God manifests His being.

The Kingdom of God is the Heart, the One and only source of life. "Out of the Heart are the issues of life."

Man created in the image and likeness of God must contain in his being all the qualifying life principle and creative power of the living substance, also the Spiritual intelligence at all times.

Life, being God, the source of Life within must be the source of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding.

The all in all of God must also be the all of man, of life and everything that pertains to life here and hereafter.

Then man in his true being, must contain within himself the source of all that is found as being God. All that the man Jesus found within Himself. As this is true, being must be the creative power within man that the Master called the Father.

Then to study life, and to live so as to attain true being, will give us the same relationship to the Father that Jesus found.

The way of Life will be made plain to us, when we begin to live from within, when we look to the one source of Life for all things.

Being can only come through the mastery of self. Poise, self-control or mastery, means the controlling of the mind, the thinker our thoughts, desires and passions.

When one is really established in being, the law fulfills itself, in and for him.

"To be or not to be," means much to us if it is in being that we obtain our all.

What have we been Being? Is the question.

Are we being true even to the principle of Life as we understand it? Are we living from the Spirit, or one and only source of life within us? Do we recognize this power within as the Father of our Being?

If we do not, is not this lack of understanding or inappreciation the cause of all lack, want, dissatisfaction and in harmony; is it not the cause of all misery in the minds of all people?

If my body is the temple of the living God, and if Being is God, the one and only source of all things, must I not contain in my being, somewhere, all that I need, all that will satisfy or make me happy? Surely so.

We are told that, "There is a Spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth him understanding."

It must be that it is when man is what he ought to be in Being that he is inspired by the Divine mind to see the truth and find his freedom.

To establish ourselves in true Being is the one all-important issue.

The way of life and truth must be within us; the Man Jesus found it there. He saw within his own Being the light of true wisdom, and said "I am the way, the truth and the Life." "Follow me, Seek and ye shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto you. Ask and ye shall receive."

Nature seems to draw the light of the newborn day to aid in her unfoldment.

So man requires the ligth of true wisdom to bring out the real godlike being, or selfhood from the inner sanctuary of the soul.

To believe with the Master, that the Life, or Father within, is the source of all good helps one to trust in self, and in God.

A firm mind governing the appetites and passions, clothed with the Spirit of peace and goodwill, belongs to the Christ consciousness and establishes the law of Being in mind and body.

To be still and know, is being like God the Father or creator within, for the Spirit is active when man is still. Life unfolds and grows in the silence.

The life essence, or sap, in the heart of the tree flows outward and clothes all its branches with a foliage of beauty in early spring.

So the elixir of life in man clothes his consciousness with beauty and holiness, purity and love, peace and plenty, when man harmo-nizes with the law of true being.

Life itself contains all the attributes of Spirit and is in reality what God or Being is.

If God is Life, we live in God not in time or place; this shows us how little the material things around us have to do with our living; they do not make us live, though we seem to depend so much upon them. Sometimes I think we live just for them, our environments, instead of trying to make our lives a blessing to others.

We cannot see Spirit, we can see only the manifestations of Life or Spirit; when it is clothed in Being, in form. Wherever we see Life manifested we see God, for God is Life.

The real self of your being is within that which you see as you look at your form of body.

The real "I am," or Life element in Being is the Spiritual substance underlying and sustaining every activity of mind and body.

We say, God is Life, God is Love, God is Health, and that God is All in all. We cannot see these attributes of Spirit, but we do see the proof of their existence all about us.

We acknowledge God as wisdom. We do not see wisdom, but we know that we think, and are moved to think, to feel and to express. In other words, there is a something that lives in us moves us, and causes us to think, some great invisible power, call it what you will.

The Spirit that we call God, seems to know just how to do things, how to keep the great solar systems in order, how to cause the sun, moon and stars to shine, how to form the crystal dewdrop, how to quiet the tempest. Wonderful, invisible source of Life, Love and truth, and yet we fail to fully trust Him!

We are told that our bodies are the temples of the living God, this creative power of principle; and this must be true if Life is God. Spirit, for we have life and are manifesting it.

If this spirit is the substance or source of all that is, and is within us, we ought to be able to see it as the Father of our Being, just as the Master did; and have just as much faith in it as He had. Perhaps we are too busy to know these things, or give them any thought, but I want to tell you that all our misery comes through our negligence, in not being steadfast to the principle of Life, to the creative power within us.

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee" is the promise, and we can only have this promise fulfilled in us by being true and faithful to the source of Life within ourselves.

The higher, better self of everyone, wants to do right, wants to be right. Let us, therefore, live from within, the only way of Life, and manifest True Being.


Being sick is not according to God's plan. God is Life, Health, Peace, Happiness and Success. How are you Being; have you found the soul center of your inner temple? Are you living from the one and only source of Life and health within you? If not, just relax your mind and body, and "Let a little sunshine in." Just be still and let the gentle soothing Spirit of Love speak to you about the way of Life and health, peace and plenty; this is what you need, the Silence of God.

Go deep down into your soul's center, and give the Spirit an opportunity to tell you how to find everything you desire; God is there, He knows how to do for you; trust Him.

I am being one with Christ is God, I am Healed.

You have the power to create and bring forth every ideal formed in your mind, when you love God, and look to Him for it all. The source of life within you is the one and only source of Being, and the call is "come unto Me (your higher, better self), I am the way."


1. In my Being I now see God, I live in Him.

2. I bless and praise the God of my Being.

3. The Spirit of true being is established within me.

4. All my trust is in Thee, Thou God of my being.

5. In silent love and peace with all being, I dwell.

6. I bless my body, it is the temple of God, Being.

7. Morning, noon and night, I bless and praise all Beings.

8. Father, I thank thee, that thou dost hear me.

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