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Excerpts from

The Magic of Believing for
Young People

by Claude M. Bristol
(adapted by Helen & Horace Johnson)

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Book Description

First published in the 1950's, this extended edition of The Magic of Believing has been out-of-print for many years, but is now available as an illustrated 198 page PDF eBook for the first time. Although this extended edition of Claude Bristol's best-selling classic was adapted specifically with young men and women in mind, it makes perfectly suitable reading for people of all ages and helps to clarify the principles outlined in the original Magic of Believing, and makes them easier to understand and apply.

Hundreds of thousands of readers ac­claimed Claude Bristol’s The Magic of Be­lieving when it first appeared. They welcomed this remarkable method that utilized the powers of the subconscious mind to turn desires into realities. Letter after letter poured in to the author, testifying to the book’s effectiveness in helping millions of adults to a richer, more rewarding life. 

Helen and Horace Johnson have adapted this inspiring best seller to answer the needs and aspirations of today’s young people. Now teenagers can apply Claude Bristol’s practical techniques to the special problems confronting them at home, at school, and in the world about them. The Magic of Believing for Young People is of vital importance to all those who look ahead to achievement, who aim at a broad, useful, and fulfilled life.

Fully described are methods for over­coming practically every stumbling block to happiness. These will be invaluable to the teenager who

• Has a hard time concentrating on studies

• Finds shyness a barrier in making friends

• Wants to be a leader—but doesn’t know how

• Has trouble getting along with parents

• Has difficulty exercising self-control

• Can’t find the right job

• Yearns for popularity.

The Magic of Believing for Young People gets right to the source of these difficulties. Then it presents a method for setting a goal—and reaching it. Mr. Bristol profoundly believes that any person can achieve any given aim in life, and his well-documented case proves his point. Here is new insight for young people into the processes of their minds . . . and a practical way of releasing the force of believing to attain immediate and long-range objectives. The chapters abound in specific ideas for the application of the powers of the subconscious in daily life . . . and the basic method rests on a force each teenager already possesses and can apply instantly.

The Magic of Believing for Young People helps young people start life headed in the right direction, shows them how to use their capabilities and talents to achieve what they want from life, gives them self-confidence at an age when they need it most. Most im­portant of all, it is presented to teenagers in terms they can understand, and it is de­signed to provide them with the groundwork for building successful lives.


The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.


THE ABOVE QUOTATION CONTINUES, GENERATION AFTER generation, to be true. It is true in Claude Bristol’s The Magic of Believing with new and striking signifi­cance. The habit of blaming one’s failures on “bad luck” is punctured neatly and effectively by Mr. Bristol.

The whole purpose of his volume is to tell you how to turn failure into success and to make it possible for you to avoid failure in the first place.

Palmer Hoyt, Editor and Publisher of The Denver Post, had this to say of the book when it was first pub­lished:

Generally speaking, people are more interested in themselves and their success than in anything else. For this reason Claude M. Bristol’s book, The Magic of Believing, ought to enjoy widest reader­ship. Mr. Bristol has set forth basic principles of the fuller use of the mind in achieving practical objectives. . . . He believes deeply that any person can achieve any given aim. . . . and he presents a well-documented case to prove his point.

This adaptation for young people of Mr. Bristol’s book is offered with the purpose of widening the application of his principles. Mr. Bristol, a newspaper man and a suc­cessful businessman, wrote for businessmen. The aim of his suggested method was to reach success in that field, and he proved by a wealth of testimony that his prin­ciples were sound.

The editors of this volume support that thesis so sin­cerely that they wish to invite a whole new generation of readers into its realm of achievement. They are con­vinced that boys and girls can benefit greatly by starting life with these theories already mastered.

How often have you heard a man or woman say, “If only I had known when I was young what I know now . . . ?” It is when you are of an age to look curiously and sometimes anxiously into the years lying immedi­ately ahead that the guidance offered in these pages can mean all the difference between success and failure, hap­piness and misery, effectiveness and ineffectiveness. This new edition of The Magic of Believing is attuned espe­cially to you, shaped and pruned to fit your particular needs.

To all young people who look forward to achievement, who aim at a broad, useful, and fulfilled life, this book is offered with confidence and faith. Read it, study it, apply its teachings. The rewards of The Magic of Believing will be yours in abundance.




How I discovered mind power—Belief is a miracle worker—You can use this mind power—It worked for these people—This power can be a blessing-or a curse


You are sitting on a “thought”—You are what you think—You must strengthen your mind—Beware of other people’s thoughts

3     WHAT DO YOU WANT?   

Is it money?—Is it fame?—A career in sports?—Is it a scholarship?—Is it the arts?—Make up your mind—It works for everyday things, too—Got your first job yet?—Once you make it, don’t stray—Can mind affect matter?—Thoughts are magnetic—What is vi­bration?—Try this experiment—Thought spreads like ripples in a pool


No limits to its power—Learn my techniques—Even movie actresses use it—Mind power is very, very old —The power is mysterious—Trick your conscious mind—Try to solve this—Don’t underrate the con­scious mind—Some examples of reasoning


The source of power—A universal hookup—These powers increase with use—The subconscious pre­serves life—The subconscious commands life—The subconscious powers life—Be careful when using this power—First prepare yourself—Get rid of all your doubts—Don’t be in a hurry—Follow those “un­reasonable” urges—The subconscious is wise


Truth must be the base—Japan’s “fake” suicide fighter—The power of repeated suggestion—Look for “plus” values—Famous examples of suggestion—Fear thoughts bring failure—Influencing people—Watch every thought—Superstition at work—He talked to his trees


Don’t daydream—Concentration is essential—The subconscious in action—Picture-making isn’t easy—He caught fishes with mental pictures—Try it this way


Warning: keep your cards a secret—Give heed to that sudden impulse—Overcoming nervousness—Executives are just plain people—A new way to sell cheese—Seeing what’s before you—My, you’re look­ing well!


Some imagination!—“But that’s silly,” he said—Think-don’t talk—Auto-suggestion helps—Use sim­ple statements—Protect your subconscious—Ham­mer it home—Don’t follow the leader—Have an Ac­tive Faith


Follow the rules—So you’re going to work—Then use your reminder cards—Through the looking glass —Facing troubles—Seeing yourself—Sell yourself your ideas—Sell your family—How to use the mir­ror technique—Stare your worries away—The eyes have it


Do your part—He “sold” himself to the landlord—First, an idea—Don’t fool yourself—Your thoughts are showing—The answer might come at any time—A “hunch” is something different—You furnish the ambition—So far, so good


The promise of the future—Think big—Never stand still—Find a better way—Keep your word—Make friends-and be one—Be courteous—Forget about yourself—Lend a hand—Be a wide-awake—Easy does it—Books are tools—Where joy is found


How ideas grow—Learn to package yourself—Who gets the attention?—Protect your emotions—How others affect you—Tackle your problems—Emo­tional ailments—Cure yourself


       Never neglect your gift—White magic—Your mind is yourself—Keep at it-the day will come—Happi­ness is a state of mind—A child’s imagination—Your parents and you—Live your own life—Begin to use your power

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