• The Millionaires of Genesis eBook by Catherine Ponder

How wealthy people of the Bible prospered others and how they can prosper you! From Adam, Abraham, Melchizedek, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Ruth.

Someone once wrote to Catherine Ponder saying, "I have figured out an easy way to become a millionaire. Please pray that one million people will send me one dollar each." People often think as did this person: That wealth can come to them only when other people and conditions respond to them. However, the secret of wealth is that it begins within your own thoughts and feelings. Through the deliberate action of your mind, you can develop a millionaire consciousness that will lead you to literal wealth as well as to increased abundance in all phases of your life.

The Millionaires of Genesis eBook by Catherine Ponder

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  • $9.95
  • $4.95

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