• Leave It To God-Just Be Glad-On The Heights eBook by C.D. Larson

Originally published as three separate small books entitled Leave It To God, Just Be Glad, and On The Heights.

WHEN we place our lives and our affairs under the direction of Infinite Wisdom, everything will be taken care of perfectly. This we all can understand; and we know, as an inner conviction, that nothing could be more evident. Indeed, it could not be otherwise. It is something we know with a positive assurance. It is something we may depend upon absolutely. Our spiritual discernment declares it; and experience proves it unmistakably. It is the outstanding promise of the high teachings of the ages; and, we go far to do this marvelous thing, when we think and say, with the whole of heart and soul, that "we leave it to God".

Leave It To God-Just Be Glad-On The Heights eBook by C.D. Larson

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