Christian D. Larson
Influential Early New Thought Leader
Christian Daa Larson (1874-1954) was an outstanding and highly influential New Thought leader and teacher as well as a prolific writer of New Thought books who believed that people have tremendous latent powers, which could be harnessed for success with the proper attitude.
A one time honorary president of the International New Thought Alliance, along with such stalwarts as W.W. Atkinson, Horatio Dresser, Charles Brodie Patterson, and Annie Rix Militz, he was one who exercised considerable influence over Religious Science founder, Ernest Holmes, in his early career.
Holmes had been studying the Christian Science textbook, Science & Health, but was particularly impressed with the New Thought writings of Larson. According to Fenwicke he abandoned the Christian Science textbook for Larson's works. Ernest and his brother Fenwicke took a correspondence course with Larson, and in his biography of his brother, Ernest Holmes: His Life and Times, Fenwicke Holmes elaborates on the influence of Larson's thought on that of his brother. Here he ranks Ralph Waldo Trine's In Tune with the Infinite with Larson's The Ideal Made Real as influential on Holmes.
The New-Thought movement in Cincinnati, Ohio, owes its origin to Larson, who in January, 1901, organized the New Thought Temple, at his residence, 947 West Seventeenth St. In September of that year Mr. Larson began to publish Eternal Progress, for several years one of the leading New-Thought periodicals.The Optimist Creed was authored in 1912 by Chistian D. Larson, appearing in his book Your Forces and How to Use Them. It was adopted as Optimist International's creed in 1922. Many have found inspiration in The Optimist Creed. In hospitals, the creed has been used to help patients recover from illness. In locker rooms, coaches have used it to motivate their players.
Brains and How to Get Them eBook by Christian D. Larson
Contents: Building the Brain; Making Every Brain Cell Alive; Principles in Brain Building; Practical..
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Healing Yourself eBook by Christian D. Larson
There are many states and conditions of mind, and many stages in human development. Also, there are ..
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How Great Men and Women Succeed eBook by Christian D. Larson
The man or woman who succeeds is convinced of the fact that he or she has the necessary power. They ..
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How The Mind Works eBook by Christian D. Larson
Every man or woman is as they think. Therefore they can change themselves, their life, and even thei..
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How to Stay Well eBook by Christian D. Larson
In How To Stay Well, author Christian D Larson argues that any disease comes from the violation of o..
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How To Stay Young eBook by Christian D. Larson
The fundamental law through which the perpetuation of youth may be promoted is one of the basic laws..
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In The Light of The Spirit eBook by Christian D. Larson
We frequently come to places where the whole world seems to be against us; when every friend seems t..
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Leave It To God-Just Be Glad-On The Heights eBook by C.D. Larson
Originally published as three separate small books entitled Leave It To God, Just Be Glad, and On Th..
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Mastery of Fate eBook by Christian D. Larson
What man is, and what man does, determines in what conditions, circumstances and environments he sha..
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Nothing Succeeds Like Success eBook by Christian D. Larson
NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS: THIS is a statement with which we are all familiar; and we all know i..
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Perfect Health eBook by Christian D. Larson
"When the mind is in the truth it reflects only what is in the truth; the body will thus be filled, ..
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Poise and Power eBook by Christian D. Larson
To attain and accomplish as much as possible is our privilege as well as our desire; therefore any m..
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Steps in Human Progress eBook by Christian D. Larson
Immerse yourself in the pages of a literary marvel that unveils the majestic tapestry of human adv..
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The Great Within eBook by Christian D. Larson
Unlimited possibilities do exist in the subconscious of every mind, and since these possibilities ca..
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The Hidden Secret eBook by Christian D. Larson
To him who has faith, all things are possible. Faith is that something in man that transcends every ..
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The Ideal Made Real eBook by Christian D. Larson
The purpose of this work is to present practical methods through which anyone, the beginner in parti..
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The Pathway of Roses eBook by Christian D. Larson
The thinking world of today is being filled with a phase of thought that has exceptional value. Some..
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Thinking For Results eBook by Christian D. Larson
That man can change himself, improve himself, recreate himself, control his environment, and master ..
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What is Truth? eBook by Christian D. Larson
The greatest question before the mind of man always has been, and always will be, WHAT IS TRUTH? It ..
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Your Forces And How To Use Them eBook by Christian D. Larson
It is the purpose of this book, not only to discuss these greater powers and possibilities in man, b..
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