Anthony Norvell
Popular Self-Help Author and Lecturer
Anthony Norvell (1908–1990) was a popular writer and lecturer on occult and esoteric topics. During his career Norvell was widely-known and respected as one of the world's leading experts on metaphysics and the occult. A devoted seeker after Truth, and a tireless worker, he investigated ESP and psychic phenomena for over 35 years, and travelled to India, Egypt, Tibet, Greece, and all over the world, accumulating knowledge for his various books and lectures.
For more than 30 years in New York Norvell lectured at world-famous Carnegie Hall, where a bronze plaque honored him with the title of "The Twentieth-Century Philosopher." His famous lectures were delivered almost invariably to packed houses.
Anthony Norvell wrote many books, some of which he published simply under the name "Norvell". Reaching millions of people all over America through his radio and television programs, he was recognized as an authority in the field of Para-psychology, with four of his books being used in universities worldwide. A long-time resident of Hollywood, he helped many top movie and TV personalities rise from obscurity to stardom by showing them the principles, methods and techniques revealed in his books.
For the thousands who find themselves perplexed and frustrated by the problems and pressures of life today, Norvell has words of hope and courage drawn from his long experience as an adviser in human relations. In every human psyche, Norvell has found, there are three fundamental needs: the need for the sense of security (financial, emotional, and spiritual); the need for success in its true meaning of fulfillment of one's potentialities; and the need for the happiness and peace of mind which flow from adjustment to oneself and to others. In learning how to satisfy these needs we learn how to control our destiny—instead of letting ourselves be controlled by circumstances.
Dynamic Mental Laws for Successful Living eBook by Anthony Norvell
Here is the mystical formula, handed down from the ancients, 20 steps that turn your daydreams into ..
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Metaphysics: New Dimensions of the Mind eBook by Anthony Norvell
Here are the secrets of Metaphysical Brain Projection, Moonblending, Astral Projection, Precogniti..
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The Magnificent Life eBook by Anthony Norvell
Although this gem of a book was first published in 1946, its teachings and vision is just as relevan..
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The Million Dollar Secret Hidden in Your Mind eBook by Anthony Norvell
Inside this book is the secret to a complete change-over in your life and your fortunes – all throug..
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Think Yourself Rich eBook by Anthony Norvell
This book gives you a proven step-by-step system for supercharging the powerful, money-pulli..
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