• The Amazing Secrets of the Yogi eBook by Charles Haanel & V.S. Perera
The important facts contained in this volume will place a sceptre of power in your hands with which you can open a pathway to health, success, and the life abundant. The Amazing Secrets of the Yogi is your gateway to a wonderful new world that has been hidden from you for far too long. With the techniques taught in this book, such as proper breathing and breath control, using the Law of Attraction, and controlling thoughts, you will be able for the first time to understand and take charge of your life in a way that before this would have been unbelievable. Join Mr. Haanel and millions of others as you learn these amazing secrets and begin to experience life like you never have before.

The Amazing Secrets of the Yogi eBook by Charles Haanel & V.S. Perera

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