In this hard to find sequel to her popular Our Invisible Supply: How to Obtain, Frances Larimer Warner expands on many of the principles previously explained and delves into some of the deepest issues of life. In the author's own words....
"THE first volume of this little book, made up of some letters to students of the Prin_ciple lying back of all demonstrations, was so kindly received and has brought me so many letters of sincere appreciation that I am led, after two more years of deeper research and earnest study into the Cause of all expression, to offer the result of these efforts in like form, for the benefit of those seekers after Truth who may be led to find herein some crumbs of com_fort, and a WAY to draw from the unseen realm the All of good that belongs to us as sons and heirs of the Spirit of Creation.
Our Invisible Supply: How to Obtain Vol.2 eBook by Frances Larimer Warner
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